Inspiring Retail
Stromness Museum had the idea to generate more income through their shop by creating a bespoke retail offer. Partnering with local creative practitioners in the community, they hoped that their retail offer would become more sustainable. Creative Practitioners were commissioned to develop and create a range of products that inspire ‘Museum Beyond Walls’.
During COVID-19, the Museum was severely impacted. The Museum had no way to generate income, as previously, it was all generated by visitor admissions, donations and shop sales – all of which required people to enter the Museum. The building became a barrier to connecting the community and the collections.
The Steps to Sustainability project allowed the Museum to bring the collections outside of the Museum walls with their retail offer and generate income for sustainability.

Programme Impact
We interviewed Janette Park, Curator at Stromness Museum about her experience with the programme.
Janette shared that the project brought together lots of elements that the team at the Museum had been thinking about for a while. The opportunity to focus on some of the ideas and creative input into developing a shop range is something they had wanted to take forward, and Steps to Sustainability came along at the perfect time.
She noted that the modules were really worthwhile, as the programme took you through the journey from the very beginning right to the end. She reflected on the excellent facilitation, and impact of the elements outside of the core programme. They received mentoring from Hannah Clinch, who provided not only guidance, but facilitation for two meetings they had with creative practitioners and board members. The external perspectives that Hannah provided, alongside her experience, allowed them to consider price point and what types of products to introduce. Hannah’s input got them to contemplate how to attract new audiences and be discovered.