Exploring My Leadership in Gaelic Medium Education

Complete the form below for this Social Enterprise Academy programme.

Exploring My Leadership in Gaelic Medium Education

Sign-up form for the Exploring My Leadership programme

Fiosrachadh Pearsanta | Personal details

Ainm (riachtanach) | Name(Required)
Date of birth(Required)
Seòladh | Address(Required)

Do bhuidheann | Your organisation

Fiosrachadh ron phrògram | Pre-programme details

A bheil cead againn dealbhan a thogail tron ​​phrògram agus iad sin a chleachdadh air an làrach-lìn againn neo air na meadhanan sòisealta? | Do we have permission to use any photos of you taken during the programme for promotional purposes such as on our website or social media?(Required)
Am bu toil leat cuairt-litir post-d an SEA fhaighinn gach mìos? | Would you like to subscribe to the SEA's monthly email newsletter?
A bheil thu ag aontachadh ris na Cumhachan is Cùmhnantan againn? | Do you agree to our Terms and conditions?(Required)
Full Terms and conditions can be found here: https://socialenterprise.academy/terms-and-conditions/