
Recent Partnership with IKEA in Leadership Development
Published:Supporting enterprises in Mexico focused on creating positive social and environmental impact.
Check out the latest exciting updates from across the Social Enterprise Academy network!
Supporting enterprises in Mexico focused on creating positive social and environmental impact.
Meet Eissa, a climate activist from Yemen who recently participated in our New Scots leadership programme, in partnership with Scottish Refugee Council.
Delivered in partnership with the Scottish Government, Impact Link offers emerging social enterprises in China, India and Pakistan a world-class package of support to help increase business resilience and sustainability.
Learn more about how the Seeds of Change programme, in partnership with Food Lover's Market, supported Boikano Sikwane’s social enterprise.
A fantastic day as schools from across Scotland came together to share their climate-focused Social Enterprise ideas in celebration of COP26 in Glasgow.
Project VISION saw pioneering young people from Scotland and Malaysia come together in a virtual space to explore their climate change solutions using videography as a tool for change.
A 6-month EU funded ‘bridging’ project will investigate the needs of rural and remote social entrepreneurs in Sweden, Norway, the Highlands & Islands of Scotland and the Irish Gaeltacht.
The ASEAN Social Enterprise Development Programme helped young social entrepreneurs from across South East Asian drive positive change within their communities.